Death by Powerpoint No More! Crafting a Preso with Punch | Presentologist Johnny Quinn
In this episode of Build Momentum, we are joined by Johnny Quinn, a presentologist who currently lives in New Zealand.
Johnny established Audience Alive, which specializes in using the latest presentation technologies to help presenters, speakers, and organizations communicate their message better and to put an end to “Death by PowerPoint” in public speaking.
Some Questions I Ask:
- I want to learn more about you, your story, and your background. What led you to become a presentologist? And how do you describe presentologists? (3:15)
- What are the main things we’re doing wrong in making presentations? (6:23)
- Do we have to use PowerPoint? Do we have to present with a slide deck at all? (13:51)
- Do you have anything beyond that that you can share with us on insights for TED? (20:48)
- If you had a final piece of advice for our audience, to make better presentations everywhere, what would that be? (26:29)
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
- What a presentologist is (3:25)
- Challenges in creating presentations (6:39)
- Silver bullets within newer versions of PowerPoint (10:35)
- Interactive vs linear structure (14:23)
- More tips in creating a killer PowerPoint presentation (15:58)
- The 10-20-30 Rule of Presenting (18:53)
- Tips for TED presentations (21:27)
“I actually believe that procrastination kills a lot of really great presentations.”
“I'm not afraid of public speaking, I have a fear of not doing it! You know, I enjoy doing it, I enjoy passing on the knowledge.”
“Whatever you use, try to think visually, because that's what humans are much better at doing.”
“The ‘sage on the stage’ is largely dead. We don't want somebody all knowing, all seeing pounding us with information behind the podium. We actually want a ‘guide on the side.’”
“Try to make your presentations more interactive.”
Connect with Johnny Quinn:
Audience Alive
John Quinn's LinkedIn