The Art of Selling and Why it's Important (Even in Education!)
Yes, we've all heard that selling ourselves is important for success in our careers and in life, but how much does it really make a difference in the world of PR and marketing?
In this episode, we dive into this question in detail with an expert in all things sales related. Ray Makela is a partner at Sales Readiness Group (SRG), who shares his expertise on shifting your selling mindset to be more empathetic.
Selling with empathy means putting yourself in your customer's shoes and understanding their challenges. This can actually be a competitive edge! Whether an organization is trying grow their market share, build their brand or expand their impact, this is important.
Understand the person you're trying to reach, the organization where they work, and what they are going through, and ask good questions. But even more than asking the questions, take the time to truly listen to their needs when they respond.
We talk about selling in a virtual environment and he shares a few tips for keeping people engaged in a meaningful way, and how to show up with energy.